Ultra KETO Complete by OPTInutriments
Basically you need to know how the human body gets its energy. We are fueled primarily by glucose, or blood sugar, much of which we derive from carbohydrates in foods like bread, fruit, potatoes, white flour products and sweets. Ingredients of the Ultra KETO Complete:
RASPBERRY KETONES: Raspberry ketones assist the fat within cells to be broken down more effectively, helping your body burn fat faster. They also help to regulate your metabolism.
AFRICAN MANGO: A comprehensive meta-analysis on Irvingia gabonensis (African Mango) found that this fruit has the potential to aid in weight loss. The analysis showed that the group achieved a greater loss of body weight, waist circumference, and body fat percentage
GREEN TEA EXTRACT: Many studies have shown that green tea extract can promote weight loss, blood sugar regulation and exercise recovery. Green tea extract may aid weight loss by increasing the number of calories your body burns through thermogenesis
CAFFEINE ANHYDROUS: May potentially suppress appetite and stimulate thermogenesis and would result in more energy, thus more movement and more calories burnt
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: Apple cider vinegar has been proven to cause fat loss even without any changes in diet or exercise. It helps to curb appetite and burn fat.
KELP: The natural fiber alginate found in kelp acts as a fat blocker, stopping the absorption of fat in the gut.
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT: In addition to its antioxidant properties, grape seed extract has been shown to inhibit fat deposits and reduce the absorption of fat from our die
If the glucose levels in the blood drop to really low levels, we could have very serious health problems. But, interestingly, the body can't store much glucose - only enough to last a couple of days. So if we forgo eating carbs for a few days, we need other ways to keep going.
One of those is a process called ketogenesis. In ketogenesis, our livers start to break down fat into a usable energy source called ketone bodies, or ketones for short. Once ketogenesis kicks in and ketone levels are elevated, the body is in a state called "ketosis,"where you're burning stored fat.
The ketogenic diet is a very low carbohydrate, medium protein and high-fat diet People on a ketogenic diet get 5-10 percent of their calories from carbohydrates, about 20-25 percent from protein, and 70-80 percent from fat.
Included with your Ultra KETO Complete Supplement is a KETO PROGRAM GUIDE Booklet -
A guide to understanding the Ketogenic Diet and what you need to now to succeed